The North West Star

How to look 10 years younger with Dr Lanzer

How to look 10 years younger with Dr Lanzer
How to look 10 years younger with Dr Lanzer

This is a commercial collaboration with Dr Daniel Lanzer.

We all wish we could drink from the fountain of youth. The bad news is that no such fountain exists. The good news is, thanks to developments in the cosmetic surgery industry, the only thing you need to achieve a more youthful look today is a great cosmetic surgeon who is trained in the art of eyelid surgery.

Boasting over 25 year's experience, Dr Daniel Lanzer's operating theatres and his cosmetic consulting practice are fully accredited - an internationally recognised standard of approval.

"Achieving this standard involves the careful management of every aspect of service, at every level, within the organisation to deliver world class care," Dr Lanzer said.

When it comes to cosmetic procedures, Dr Lanzer and his team appreciate that not all treatments are created equal. By working with an expert you're better able to determine what your body needs, and which treatment will enhance your appearance best.

With age, the structure of our face changes, something that can be seen most prominently in the area around our eyes.
With age, the structure of our face changes, something that can be seen most prominently in the area around our eyes.

Explore the aesthetic advantages of eyelid surgery

If taking ten years off of your appearance is something that piques your interest, you may want to explore the advantages of eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. Far more common than the complex name suggests, this surgical treatment involves the removal of excess fat and/or skin from the eye region. The result? A lot less dermal droopiness and a far more youthful appearance.

Depending on whether you opt for lower or upper eyelid surgery, you may achieve the following results:

  • Your lower eyelid may sit better on underlying structures.
  • Some wrinkles may appear smoother post-procedure.
  • You may achieve a lift in the appearance of your brow.
  • Your eyes may appear more open and look less tired.

Learn how blepharoplasty can enhance your youthful beauty

Dr Lanzer explains that as we age the structure of our face changes, which is something that can be seen most prominently in the area around our eyes. As many of us may have recognised in our own reflections, our lower eyelids can become more swollen in appearance, something which is caused by an accumulation of fat in the area. Our upper eyelids may also become a little droopier over the years. The good news is, if desired, all of these concerns can be addressed with eyelid surgery.

Prepare for your eye surgery procedure wisely

Dr Lanzer advises that any individual wishing to undergo eyelid surgery must first speak with a qualified health practitioner to discuss their medical history, including details relating to any medical conditions, such as eye diseases. As with all surgical procedures, particularly those involving the face, there are potential risks involved with blepharoplasty. A comprehensive medical consultation will allow you and your doctor to determine whether you're a good candidate for the procedure.

Before undergoing eyelid surgery individuals must have a comprehensive medical consultation with their doctor to determine if they are a good candidate.
Before undergoing eyelid surgery individuals must have a comprehensive medical consultation with their doctor to determine if they are a good candidate.

Book your first cosmetic consultation with a clinic that cares

Committed to making sure his clinic can deliver the results you desire, Dr Lanzer provides a free consultation to all individuals thinking about undergoing cosmetic surgery. Driven by their desire to run a clinic that keeps the wellbeing of its patients as their number one priority, Dr Lanzer and his team pride themselves on providing you with world class service. Whether you have questions about your procedure, need further guidance about what's right for you, or just need a little comfort pre-treatment, Dr Lanzer and his team of experts will be there for you.

Ready to look and feel younger? Head to or call 1800 444 333 to request a consultation at Dr Lanzer Surgery. All surgery has risks and Dr Lanzer recommends seeking a second medical opinion.

This is a commercial collaboration with Dr Daniel Lanzer.